Welcome To Our Family Tree Site

This site aims to document our family tree to the best of our ability. Nearly 30 years of research has given much pleasure, frustration and more than anything, a sense of how our families have arrived at our current point in time.

Our family names are grouped under O’Hara – Bagshaw – Pridmore – Parry and the site contains many varieties of data accrued in the process of our search.


Our Story

We began our research out from different sets of circumstances. Having an interest in history in general, we found ourselves in situations where an “outside” interest was needed to maintain sanity (or so we thought at the time !) as well as providing a means of maintaining mental agiltiy for a bed bound relative who loved the past more than we did.


An Celtic background for our O'Hara families


Farming roots in the Derbyshire Dales


Saddlery in the Lincolnshire Wolds


Hard work and heroism from North Wales


O'Hara Photos


Bagshaw Photos


Pridmore Photos


Parry Photos

Our Evidence Repository

We have divided the documentary evidence accumulated over the decades of our research into different sections below.

Click on the appropriate section to see the categories within.

Descent Books





Bagshaw Military

Parry Military

Pridmore Military

O'Hara Military

Poor Relief

Ashover Registers

Welsh Docs

Irish Docs

Ship Manifests


Misc Docs - Bagshaw

Misc Docs - O'Hara

Misc Docs - Pridmore

Misc Docs - Parry

Misc Miscellaneous

Directories / Rolls

We have a vast array of details gained through the various census returns btween 1841 and 1921, the 1939 Register, IGI files, USA and Canadian census returns etc. These details can be found attached to the individuals that make up the family tree along with many more sources.

We Shook Our Tree and a Bunch of Nuts Fell Out

We hope that by looking through our tree you might gain information that helps you and that you will enjoy it as much as we have in compiling it.