About Us
We are Chris and Jill and have been researching the O’Hara-Bagshaw Family Tree for about 30 years , on and off. The great advantage of such a hobby is that you can put it down and pick it up at any point and just carry on. Something we have taken advantage of on many occasions.
The Starting Point
Whilst both of us needed a new hobby, we began our interest in genealogy at different points and for different reasons. Jill had time on her hands and is never one to sit still (unless reading a good book !) whilst my mother had gone into a care home and although unable to move very much, still had an able mind that needed a stimulus.
Both had an interest in history and inquisitive personalities and the family tree became an ideal project.
Whilst I could complete the leg-work for my mother and myself, both Jill and I could carry out research in person.
And so the drops of inspiration soon rippled out into a full blown project.
What began as a way to give us all an interst, rapidly developed into an addictive entertainment with visits to Record Offices, research centres of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, graveyards and villages we knew our ancestors had lived in. Various family history groups were joined from as far afield as the Lincolnshire Family History to the Lanakshire Family History Society. Contacts were made in many parts of the country and in the USA, Canada and Australia. Expansion was rapid and gratifying.
Today we haveestablished over 6500 members of the extended tree covering 4 main branches of Bagshaw, O’Hara, Parry and Pridmore and all of their assiciated surnames by marriage.
What makes this passtime so interesting is when the actual life of an ancestor becomes available to read about and knowing their occupation, lifestyle and life events is so much more rewarding than only knowing when they were born and died and where they were located.
Digital resources are key as well as physical research. We use Ancestry, occasionally Find My Past, FreeBMD, Scotland’s People and a host of other online resources to verify as best as possible the information about our tree members.
Our Recording Databases
As aids to recording and displaying our information we use the following software. For a number of years before we discoverred Ancestry.com we purchased a copy of Legacy Family Tree Software developed and sold by MyHeritage. This is not just a databse for recording purposes by a highly proficient tool that gives the user the power to produce reports, websites, charts etc. It can analyse the information that is fed into it so that many search queries can be generated, e.g. by surname, tow or city or county or country lived in and many many more. We have yet to come across any other program that does the job so well. Like most of these pieces of software, it produces GEDCOM files for easy transfer of data.
If Legacy has one fault, it is the quality of the website that it can produce. It fails to transfer the search qualities of the computer based program to the online displayed family tree. As such, we have turned to the open source program Humogen to give this ability. We would like to give a big thank you to Huub Mons and Yossi Beck who created and developed the program. Their work ensures a highly customisable display and search facility which looks good and does the job.
Legacy 10 Screenshot
Humogen Screenshot
Happy Researching
*** Please Note *** we cannot guarantee that the information contained within our website is 100% accurate. We have done our best to make sure data is correct to the best of our belief. However, it is entirely possible that errors are included. For that reason, YOU MUST CORROBORATE THE INFORMATION INDEPENDENTLY and do not just take our word for it. We cannot be held responsible for any incorrect information that you take directly from our site and use verbatim.