Parry Death Records

Death records for the Parry group

These records are made up of three sections. Firstly Death Registers, Death Certificates and Burial Registers.

Before civil registration, parish priests kept handwritten registers. In 1538, the Church of England split with Rome and required all parish priests to keep a register.

In 1754, these registers were split into births, deaths and marriages and this continued until 1837 when the government made civil registration compulsory. Death records were registered at the local register office and a copy sent to the General Register Office.

Death certificates detailed the deceased’s name, age, sex, cause of death and date and place of death.

Parry Death Registers

Use the SEARCH box by entering the SURNAME first and CHRISTIAN name of the person you are looking for

Parry Death Certificates

Use the SEARCH box by entering the SURNAME first of the person you are looking for followed by the CHRISTIAN name