O'Hara People
The O'Hara Wanted Gallery
A collection of photographs of all shapes and sizes, dates and conditions that illustrate the members of the O'Hara group of families in our tree.
Collected from many sources over the years, we have raided the family photograph albums, newspaper cuttings, Ancestry and FindMyPast records and basically any source we could find to produce the gallery below.
They represent snapshots of life at different stages and many show not only the person but also the surroundings and the lifestyle that was in place at that time, from hardship to luxury, working conditions to home life.
The O'Hara Photo Gallery
Use the SEARCH box by entering the SURNAME first then CHRISTIAN name of the person you are looking for
Wakefield Mary
Wathew Rose Mary
Windsor Catherine
Wilson Isabella McGrady Elizabeth
Wales Stephen O’Hara Cordelia Wales Jack Wales Ellie
Bernice Wells, Celia Holland, Marie O’Hara and Mary O’Hara
Wells Dorothy Bernice
Skiffington, James
Willey Beverley
Windsor Catherine
Willard Family
Vernals Sean
Sweeney family
Wales Steven
Samuel Agnes
Mary Rynn
Wells Ronald
Vernals Judith
Vernals Robert
Windsor Catherine
Toal Michael
Scott Chris
Vernals Judith
Sweeney Roseann
Rynn Mimi
Rynn Martha
Rynn Frances
Rynns O’Haras Duceys
Vernals Robert
Whitworth Allan
Rynn Frances
Ruddy John O’Hara Mary wedding
Rynn Ann
Ruddy John
Rynn Anne
Ruddy John and OHara Mary
Rynn Bernard
Ruddy O’Hara families
Reid Susan
Reilly Maria
Rynn Edward
Rynn Frances
Robey Grace Robey Lucas
Robey Charles
Rynn Frances
Reid William Lewis 1908
Rynn Frances
Reilly Maria
Rostkowski Sophia Anastasia
Reid SUsan O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
Reid Susan O’Hara David
Reid Susan In Austria 1981
Reid Susan on Saddleworth Moor
Reid Susan O’Hara David
Reid Susan O’Hara David
Reid Susan
Reid Susan
Reid Susan Pridmore Iris O’Hara Michael
Reid Susan O’Hara David
Reid Ron
Reid Joseph O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
Reid Susan In Bath 1983
Reid John
Susan Reid
Reid Susan O’Hara David
Reid Susan O’Hara David
Reid Susan O’Hara David
Reid Susan
Reid John Lewis Annie
Reid Susan
Reid Susan
Reid Susan O’Hara Michael Pridmore Iris O’Hara Edward
Reid SUsan O’Hara David O’Hara Michael 2
Reid Joseph O’Hara David O’Hara Michael 2
Reid Susan O’Hara Christopher
Reid Susan
Reid Joseph W W
Reid Susan O’Hara David
O’Hara Stephen May Procession
O’Hara Stephen on donkey
O’Hara Stephen O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Stephen O’Hara Christopher 2
Family Holiday app 1958
O’Hara Stephen Machin Moya
Reid Family
O’Hara Stephen Machin Moya wedding
O’Hara Stephen and O’Hara Christopher and Machin Moya
O’Hara Stephen O’Hara Marie
O’Hara, Gallagher, Kelly
Priestley Joseph Green Olive
O’Hara Stephen 1956
Patchett Mark
O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Stephen in Dormobile Killin
Priestley Annie
O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Stephen O’Hara Christopher (2)
O’Hara Stephen back row 4 from l
O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Stephen Pridmore Iris
Reid Family
O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Vincent
O’Hara Stephen
Pridmore Iris O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Patrick Floyd Catherine O’Hara Janet
O’Hara Paul Griffiths Pamela
O’Hara Rosie
O’Hara Reid family
O’Hara Samuel Paul
Frank O’Hara and Family
O’Hara Patrick 1881-1944
O’Hara Peter
O’Hara Peter left
O’Hara Peter (b1855)
O’Hara Paige
O’Hara Michael James O’Hara Catherine
O’Hara Michael O’Hara David O’Hara Freddie Gillway Matthew
O’Hara Michael James country dancing
O’Hara Michael James naval exercise
O’Hara Peter Hornsley Tania
O’Hara Pridmore family
O’Hara Michael O’Hara David O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Michael James Navy Passing in
O’Hara Peter
O’Hara Peter O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Peter
O’Hara Rose Therese
O’Hara Michael Walshaw Hazel
O’Hara Michael James
O’Hara Michael James in Portsmouth
O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Michael 2020
O’Hara Michael James
O’Hara Michael James
O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Michael James
O’Hara Matthew
O’Hara Michael James
O’Hara Michael James 1990
O’Hara Michael James
O’Hara Michael James
O’Hara Mary
Christening of Michael O’Hara 1983
O’Hara Mary and Ruddy John and Ruddy Rose
O’Hara Matthew
O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Michael James boating lake
O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Gerard McMonagle Ann
O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Marie
O’Hara Marianne
Marianne O’Hara
O’Hara Helen
O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Kirsty
O’Hara Maddison
O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Freddie christening
O’Hara Marianne
O’Hara Marianne
O’Hara James
O’Hara Gerard
O’Hara Janet
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Liam Gibb Victoria
O’Hara Marianne O’Hara Liam
O’Hara Liam
O’Hara Gerard
O’Hara Marianne Machin Moya
O’Hara Marianne Massie Angus
O’Hara Marie and O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Liam
O’Hara Freddie at Fleetwood
O’Hara Marianne
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Francis O’Hara Peter
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Francis O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Francis with family
O’Hara Francis O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Francis Gerard
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Francis Ruddy John O’Hara Mary
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Francis (Frank)
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Felicity
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara family
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris wedding (2)
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Francis 3rd kneeling front Brookhouse Shaft
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Frances
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris O’Hara Stephen 2 (2)
O’Hara Francis Gerard
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris wedding
O’Hara Edward PTI Fort George
Frank O’Hara
O’Hara Frances
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris O’Hara Stephen O’Hara Mary Ruddy John
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris O’Hara Stephen 2
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris in Lourdes
O'Hara Francis Gerard
O’Hara Francis
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Francis Gerard
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Edward at Thorns Garages
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen in Oban
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen 4
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris and family
O’Hara Edward and O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen 2
O’Hara Edward Family at Brora
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Edward at Northern Strip Mining
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Edward Peter
O’Hara Edward O’Hara David
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Edward O’Hara David
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Marianne
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
O’Hara Edward (Larkhall)
O’Hara Edward O’Hara Marianne Massie Angus
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara David O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan
O’Hara David O’Hara Freddie
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara David Hay Margaret
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael Euxton Juniors 1994
O’Hara David country dancing
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Dunford
O’Hara David
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
Dominic O’Hara
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Dominic
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Dominic
O’Hara David
O’Hara Dominic
O’Hara Edward in Sacred Heart team
O’Hara Dominic Malo Claudia, O’Hara Amelia 13.9.2020
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara Edward
O’Hara Dominic
O’Hara Dominic
O’Hara Edward in St Josephs team
O’Hara Edward PTI Fort George
O’Hara David O’Hara Michael
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David 21st Party
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David (r) Hulme Nic
O’Hara Daniel Rouse Ann
O’Hara Cordelia
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara David
O’Hara Catherine Grant Christopher
O’Hara Christopher Donlon Michael O’Hara Edward Donlon Bernard
O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan (2)
O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan
O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan
O’Hara Bernard Anthony O’Hara Edward O’Hara Peter
O’Hara Christopher at 34 Richmond Road
O’Hara Christopher at 34 Richmond Road 1
O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan
O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Christopher O’Hara David
O'Hara Christopher Bagshaw Geoffrey
O’Hara Bryony
O’Hara Christopher 50th Birthday 1
O’Hara Christopher O’Hara Edward O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Christopher O’Hara Stephen
O’Hara Christopher
O’Hara Catherine b. 1983
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya Mount Kipipiri
O’Hara Christopher Bagshaw Jill Harrogate
O’Hara Cherie
O’Hara Catherine
O’Hara Bernard Anthony O’Hara Therese
O’Hara Catherine
O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan
O’Hara Catherine b.1983
O’Hara Cariss
O’Hara Bernard Anthony 1959 Mount Longonot Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony 1960 Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya 4
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Anna
O’Hara Anna
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Bernard Anthony – Chris’ 50th birthday
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony With _Norman_ at Chelsea 2011
O’Hara Andrew b 1906
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Anna
O'Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Amelia Rose
O’Hara Ashleigh
O’Hara Anna
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony 3 Co 2nd Bat Coldtream 1960 Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Bernard Anthony Kenya
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
O’Hara Bernard Anthony
McGrady John Francis
McGrady Mary
Muir Robert Alexander
McGrady John McGrady Mary McGrady Robert McGrady CHarles
McPake Mary
McNally Margaret Theresa
McGinty Carolyn J
McGinty Terrence
McMurray Samuel Aitken Janet
O’Hara Albert Sweeney Roseanne family
McMurray Samuel
McGrady Eleanor
McGrady Charles
McGrady Robert
McGinty Patrick F
Nugent Allan
McGinty Francis Draschill Caroline
Mullen John O’Hara Mary
McGinty Francis Patrick at bretton woods
McGinty Mary
McGinty Patrick Francis Dempsey Mary
O’Hara Albert and family
McGrady John Francis (2)
McGInty Patrick Dempsey Mary Agnes
Mullen John
McGinty Francis Patrick
McGinty Peter
McEnhill Family
Kovar Isadore
McDougall Thomas Stead Mary Ann
McCorry Catherine
Massie Angus
McEnhill Edward
McEnhil Ellen
McCaughey Marie
McCaughey Patrick McEnhill Ellen
McCaughey Patrick
McBride Cameron
McBride Jennifer K
Lane Betty
Loughery Patrick O’Hara Helen
Lanagan Sarah
Kerfoot Alfie, OHara Freddie, Gillway Sienna, Gillway Ffionn
Loughery James
Liptrot Sarah
Kerfoot Alfie
Kovar Michael
Liberto James Lawrence 1952
Machin Moya
Liberto James Lawrence school photo
Massie Angus OHara Marianne
Loughery James McCorry Catherine
Malo Claudia
Loughery Margaret
Massie Angus
Massie Angus O’Hara Marianne
Hamelin Sydney John Garnier Queenie
Hay James and Forbes Catherine
Hay Margaret
Kelly Joan
Kelly Mary
Hay James (r)
Hay Margaret O’Hara David 3
Kelly John Edward
Hamelin Patrick Kelly Patricia wedding
Holland Celia
Hulme Leah Hulme Nic
Kelly Mary
Hamelin Sydney and Garnier Quennie and Hamelin Alison
Hamelin Sydney John
Kelly Elizabeth (Betty)
Hay Margaret O’Hara David 1
Hardcastle Nicola
Hamelin Alison
Harkin Rose
Hamelin Fiona
Hamelin Douglas O’Hara Patricia O’Hara Kay O’Hara Catherine
Ingall Catriona
Isherwood Irene
Hug Harriet
Hay Margaret Reid Susan
Hay Margaret O’Hara David
Hamelin Alison Thorpe David
Hay Margaret O’Hara Christopher Reid Susan Reid Joseph
Hamelin Fiona Hamelin Alison
Gillan Catherine
Duceys O’Haras
Gilhooley Willie Rynn Martha O’Hara Edward Pridmore Iris
Gillan Family
Eamon Croghan O’Hara Anna
Gillan Christine
Gillan Daniel Boyles Lyndsey
Gilhooley William
Gillan Daniel
Gilhooley William
Gillan Michael
Gallacher Maureen
Gallagher James
Grummitt Catherine
Gallacher Maureen 1
Gilhooley Willie Rynn Martha
Gallacher Maureen
Gilhooley Thomas
Freel Jeanette
Gibb Victoria and OHara Liam
Ducey Patrick school photo
Gallacher Family
Forbes Catherine Reid Susan Hay James 2
Ducey Patrick
Forbes Catherine
Gillan John
Forbes Catherine Reid Susan Hay James
Ducey Ted
Ducey Julia and Crowley Timothy
Clark Michael McNally Margaret
Clark Thomas F
Clements Fiona
Clark Margaret T
Dempsey Mary Agnes 2
Clements Abi Clements Liam
Draschill Caroline
McNally & Clark
Carney Kathleen graduation
Ducey James (Cody)
Clements Abi
Dempsey Mary Agnes
Brown Ryan
Croghan Eamon
Carney Kathleen
Clarke Michael 1878
Clark Eugene
Dempsey sisters
Clark Michael Joseph 1877-1966
Clark Helen
Carter Stephen Kelly Joan
Draschill Caroline 1
Clark John Windsor Catherine
Croghan Eamon
Buchan Lynn
Cross Edward Cross Howard Cross John
Brown Iain
Brown Louise
Aitken Catherine
Brown Jack
Brown Euan
Brady Daniel
Brown Ross
Boyles Lyndsey J
Brown Isla
Brady DAniel Reilly Maria
Brown Iain Buchan Lynn
Blood Dora Evelyn
Aitken Janet
Bowness Amy
Bolton Winnie
Brown Alexis