Descendant Stories

Abraham, who begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat ......

I am bound to them though I cannot look into their eyes or hear their voices. I honor their history. I cherish their lives. I will tell their story. I will remember them for I am the result of the very love, struggle, sacrifice and journey of thousands.

Any family tree of a certain size is made up branches and sub branches which can get quite complicated the larger the numbers involved.

It frequently becomes far easier to break down the whole tree into smaller family trees. You will find below 12 of these smaller sections that maintain a portion of the family group and are easier to navigate.

They also provide information on more specific members of the tree.

Descendant Stories

Remember me in the family tree; my name, my days, my strife. Then I’ll ride upon the wings of time and live an endless life. – Linda Goetsch

Select the thumbnail above the name to open the story

Richard Wells

Thomas Oliver

Michael O’Hara

James McGrady

George Machin

John Parry

John Bagshaw

James Fell

George Farnsworth

Richard Rinn

Cornelius McCaffery

Henry Bonney